I visited the wonderful Brooklyn Flea yesterday and came across this orchidometer from the 1960s. The one we used back in my pediatric training was wood. It even came with a handy leather carrying case! So, of course I had to add it to my growing collection of medical antiquities. orchidometer  or·chi·dom·e·ter (ôr’kĭ-dŏm’ĭ-tər): a medical instrument used to measure the volume of the testicles to track testicular … Continue reading

I spent the weekend in Worcester, NY in a massive old church in the woods that’s been converted into a cabin. There was absolutely no connectivity by any means. No phones, no internet, no TV, 3 radio stations. A kitchen and an old tuscan fire pit for cooking. That was about it. It was glorious.  And I also added to my medical antiquities collection. Here … Continue reading

I collect old medical things. And I’ll continue to do this over my lifetime, so that when I retire, I can open a medical curiosities museum similar to the Mutter Museum or the Wellcome Collection.  I picked up this early 20th Century Burmese healing doll over the weekend. They were used as ritualistic puppets to relieve sickness and pain. My collection grows… And by the way, … Continue reading