External link to Only 54% of doctors say they would choose a career in medicine again…

Only 54% of doctors say they would choose a career in medicine again…

Just 11% say they consider themselves “rich” – and 45% agree that “my income probably qualifies me as rich, but I have so many debts and expenses that I don’t feel rich.” And a pediatric oncologist made an excellent comment: With regard to the compensation bit, it is important to recognize that the student loan burden is enormous. Not only are you carrying over the loans … Continue reading Only 54% of doctors say they would choose a career in medicine again…

For the first eight years of our marriage, [Michelle and I] were paying more in student loans than what we were paying for our mortgage. So we know what this is about. And we were lucky to land good jobs with a steady income. But we only finished paying off our student loans—check this out, all right, I’m the President of the United States—we only … Continue reading

External link to Tumblr’s Incredible Perk: Sherpaa

Tumblr’s Incredible Perk: Sherpaa

Tumblr’s added two incredible perks for 2012. Sherpaa, the text and email focused on-demand health plan, and our favorite, the referral program where employees get a funded adventure for each referral hire. But it’s neither the office space nor the clever perks that make Tumblr such an of-the-moment place to work: it’s the people. Well that sure is lovely The Huffington Post mentions my company … Continue reading Tumblr’s Incredible Perk: Sherpaa

When I was doing my residency at Hopkins, I lived in the Copycat Building. I came across this new documentary and book about the building via The Atlantic Cities blog: Rob Brulinski and Alex Wein are just two of the hundreds of artists who have lived and worked over the past 30 years in Baltimore’s Copycat building, a former bottle cap factory in the recently coined Station North district. … Continue reading