This Is Your Brain on Twitter –

“Our brains were never even designed to read. This “technology” is something that we have to train our brains to do…There is a fear by many, Mr. Keller included, that these devices will wipe out our ability to remember and force us to become dependent on the virtual world. Luckily for us humans, our brains do not work this way. Research shows that the human brain is capable of adapting to new technologies in less than a week, irrelevant of age or intellect.

The human brain evolved for over 400,000 years without reading. It was just in the last few thousand that we’ve been forced to learn a new technology. We sometimes forget that concepts as unconscious as reading, was at one point, a new technology. I wonder what the technology will be in a thousand years in humans that doesn’t exist today but becomes just as ubiquitous as reading?

This Is Your Brain on Twitter –