Is the U.S. Health-Care System What’s Really Ailing Us? -WSJ

A new study published online in Health Affairs finds that fifteen-year survival rates for U.S. 45- and 65-year-olds declined from 1975-2005, relative to a dozen other developed countries. The survival rate for 45-year-old women is now the lowest among those countries.

I’d say that this also has to do with the fact that 100,000 people die a year due to medical errors. When modern medicine needs to do the math to determine how many lives it saves vs. how many lives it destroys because the incentive is to profit off sickness, there are fundamental process problems that need to be fixed immediately. Unfortunately, Obama’s plan has locked us in to the status quo because there’s no way to simplify our medical industrial complex in today’s political and economic climate. Good luck out there people.

Is the U.S. Health-Care System What’s Really Ailing Us? -WSJ