Financing reform without care delivery reform would be a major operational and economic error. Care delivery in the U.S. is uncoordinated, unfocused, inconsistent, unmeasured, extremely inefficient, perversely incented, excessively expensive and sometimes dangerous. Health care delivery is, however, the fastest growing and most profitable segment of the whole U.S. economy. George Halvorson, CEO of Kaiser Permanente See this  Continue reading

The troops in Iraq…

Jeff Goldsmith is here in Quebec visiting Myca and helping us create our vision, our technology, and our strategy to bring Hello Health to market as best we can.  We had dinner together this evening and he enlightened me about something I hadn’t yet read anything about.   Our troops on the front line are fighting a war and solving problems at the local level using … Continue reading The troops in Iraq…

As an industry –as a business model –health care is winning. It is taking everyone’s money with an amazingly low level of accountability for the product it sells. George Halvorson, CEO of Kaiser Permanente Continue reading